Home > Weserbergland (Germany) > Schiedersee > Schiedersee


• Der Schiedersee liegt in der Nähe der Stadt Schieder-Schwalenberg im Weserbergland im Kreis Lippe / NRW. Die Länge des Sees beträgt etwa 3,1 km und die Breite bis zu 350 m. Der See wurde Ende der 1970er-Jahre als Stausee für die Emmer (Emmerstausee) angelegt. Neben dem Hochwasserschutz wurden in den 1980er-Jahren zusätzlich auch touristische Anreize geschaffen.
Wegen des stetigen Sedimenteintrags aus der Emmer versandete der See fortwährend. Der See musste regelmäßig ausgebaggert werden. Damit Flusssedimente nicht mehr in den See gelangen, ist von 2012 bis 2015 eine Umflut errichtet worden. Durch einen Trenndamm wird die Emmer nun am Schiedersee vorbeigeleitet. Dadurch hat der Schiedersee jetzt nur noch drei Viertel seiner ursprünglichen Größe und seine ursprüngliche Stausee-Funktion ging vollkommen verloren. Zur Kompensation der Verdunstungs- und Versickerungsverluste im Schiedersee wird ein Teil des Wassers der Niese in den See geleitet. Das Wasser der Niese wird durch drei Schilfbecken geleitet, damit Schwebstoffe absedimentieren bevor es in den Schiedersee gelangt.

• Schiedersee is a lake located near the town of Schieder-Schwalenberg in the Weser Uplands in the district of Lippe / North Rhine-Westphalia. The lake is about 3.1 km long and up to 350 m wide. The lake was created in the late 1970s as a reservoir for the river Emmer (Emmerstausee). In addition to flood protection, tourist incentives were also created in the 1980s.
Because of the constant influx of sediment from the Emmer, the lake silted up continuously. The lake had to be dredged regularly. To prevent river sediments from getting into the lake, a flow round moat was built between 2012 and 2015. The Emmer is now diverted past the Schiedersee by a separating dam. As a result, the Schiedersee is now only three quarters of its original size and its original function as a reservoir has been completely lost. To compensate for the evaporation and seepage losses in the Schiedersee, part of the water from the small river Niese is fed into the lake. The water of the Niese is channeled through three reed basins so that suspended matter can settle before it reaches the Schiedersee.

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Manfred Tinebor


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Taken: August 11, 2007
Uploaded: January 03, 2009
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Casio EX-Z1000

  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    14 years 5 months ago
    Beautiful lake and ferryboat. I'd love to be spending this long weekend holiday (Labor Day Weekend) on this delightful ferry just enjoying whatever is around the next bend in the river. Often the best times are experienced when there are no set plans; and you just go wherever destiny leads you.
    Hello my dearest Manfred--I've missed not being able to take one or two of your fascinating excursions the past several weeks. But now that Labor Day Weekend is here, I look forward to seeing what interesting and intriguing adventures you will take me on for the next few days. The weather has been miserable the past two weeks--with our temperatures staying around 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Hopefully with the arrival of Hurricane Earl off the Nova Scotia coastline later this evening, it will bring some much needed cooler air. Anything that could help get rid of the horrible pollution and humidity would be a welcomed change. We Canucks are tired of feeling lethargic.
    Luv ya!
    Sweet Caroline
  • (Anonymously) (Private)
    16 years ago
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