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TR2012 - The ride (part 2)

5 1/2 days after the theft, Manfred got his couch back. The police could find the stolen bike. In the evening of July 31st Manfred had his couch back!
He had to buy new shoes, because he didn't get back his bike-shoes. ...and then he was again on the road to the Black Sea. :-)
6 days later, at August 6th, he was in the region of Krasnodar. His distance to the Black Sea was only nearly 200 km. The last, what Manfred knows, is, that he rode on the side-strip of a highway.
One day later, at August 7th, he awoke in a hospital bed. He wondered, why he was in a bed. It was told to him, that a car knocked over him! :-(

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Manfred Tinebor

Ryazan (Рязань)

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Taken: August 02, 2012
Uploaded: September 07, 2012
Captured with:
Olympus uT8000,ST8000

  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    12 years 7 months ago
    Hi,Manfred!This is a better sleep place then a  
    grill places...Isn t it?
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      12 years 7 months ago
      Yes, of course, dear Marbess!  
      ...and I like to refresh my body by a shower bath!  :-)
      However, I cycled with pleasure at night. During the nights was less and less traffic than during the day. At night I felt sure more and quicker. 
      With pleasure I slept in the morning during the traffic rush hours.  :-))

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