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TR2012 - The ride (part 1)

Look at the Russian press report: https://manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/journals/tr2012/entry/wdkqdskgrsts/

In the first part, Manfred rode 950 km from the start Archangelsk at July 23th to a sleep rest place at a lake in Yaroslavl. During Manfred slept directly beside his couch, his couch, his luggage and his shoes were stolen! So in the early morning of July 26th, in less than 3 days, Manfred's marathon came to a preliminary end. :-(

  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    12 years 7 months ago
    Hi, Manfred! Here so to throw expensive things for yourself!!!" Dear thieves,you are welcome, and  enjoy the situation!!!" That s men!:-)))
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      12 years 7 months ago
      This was the situation when I reached the lake. I took off my clothes and shoes and jumped into the lake to refresh myself. :-)
      When I went to sleep direct beside my couch, I packed up my things on a heap, special handy for the thief.  :o)
      • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
        12 years 6 months ago
        Hi Manfred! How are You? Had been you and your bike insured?
        • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
          12 years 6 months ago
          Hi, dear Marbess, thanks for your interest!  
          At the moment I am in the physiotherapy. I learn to move and to go again. Til now I am not able to work.
          Yes, I am well insured. My assurance pays the healing costs and my loss of earnings.
          My couch is not insured. But because of the costs for building up a new couch I will not starve.  :-)
          I am glad that certainly I will cure the accident injuries without remaining damages.
  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    12 years 7 months ago
    They are looking at Manfred with so kindness and love, that it may be thought that all had been  expected when Manfred s bike would be stolen and they would meet at last!!! ( especially girl) 
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      12 years 7 months ago
      :-D  Dear Marbess!  :-D
      The policeman Sergey is a cycling enthusiast  ...he is member of the bicycle marathon club CARAVAN Moscow  ...and he organizes bicycle sport events in his home town Uglich!
      He works in another police station. But as he heard, that from a member of an international bicycle marathon a bike was stolen, he came extra to help me! Of course, we both felt the brotherhood of marathon cyclists. :-)  
      The kind interpreter girl is a teacher for english language of the University of Yaroslavl. From time to time she gets interpreter jobs from the police. Yes, it seemed, that her signal transmitter and my transmitter work with an equivalent wavelength.  :-))) 
      In that friendly atmosphere, the police inspector could not be too official. :-)
      • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
        12 years 7 months ago
        And it was phantasmagorical case, that your "sofa" had been founded! Bravo to the police!!!
        • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
          12 years 7 months ago
          Yes, yes! Bravo to the Russian police!!!  
          In Germany no police looks after a bicycle theft! ...and no German police patrol would get photos of a stolen bicycle ...and no German police patrol would keep a lookout after a stolen bicycle and then still find it!!!
  • Carolynd411 (Private)
    12 years 7 months ago
    Wow, Sweetie--You could get "shaken baby syndrome" on this piece of highway! I can't imagine what riding on this type of highway for any length of time must do to your back. The Russian highways are surely brutal, that's for certain. Do you think you could sue the Russian Government for the above syndrome? LOL! It definitely takes "perserverance" to continue an already challenging marathon when you're faced with something like this. "You're a good man, Charlie Brown!"
    BTW, when I looked up the word, "perserverance", your picture was beside it.
    I just started my journey with you; and now I have to quit for a while. I've got an appointment with my Chiropodist shortly. My toe nails have gotten so long, I can climb trees with them. LOL! I'll get back as quickly as I can for your photos always get me energized.
    My heart was in my throat several photos ago--when you were behind the truck load of logs. I had two lovely cousins killed by such a truck when the chains holding the logs broke. They were both crushed to death. That happened when I was about eight years old. Even to this day, whenever I've gotten behind one of these logging trucks, I get a panic attack. I give them all the road they want; and I stay as far away from their back end as I can possibly get.
    Luv ya bunches!
    Sweet Caroline
  • Zavaluschka (Private)
    12 years 7 months ago
    а как твой велосипед чувствует себя на таком покрытии?
    очень интересный отчет!

    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      12 years 7 months ago
      2 года назад я использовал в России обод колеса гоночного велосипеда и шины гоночного велосипеда. Я имел 11 проколов шины! 
      Этот раз использовал я шириной 47мм 26" шин MTB. Никакого прокола шины!  ... и хорошая прямо езда, также на дорогах щебня!  :-))
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