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† Joachim Janssen

Mein Radlfreund Joachim Janssen war Langstrecken-Liegeradler und gern tagelang mit selbstgebauten Liegerädern unterwegs.
Am Montagabend den 25.11.2013 verließ Joachim seine Wohnung in Leer auf einem Klapprad und wurde nicht mehr lebend gesehen!
Am Freitag, den 13.12.2013, etwa 6 Kilometer von seiner Wohnung entfernt, fanden ihn Spaziergänger leblos. Nach Einschätzung der Polizei liegt kein Fremdverschulden vor.
Joachims Tod macht mich fassungslos und tief traurig!
Mit Joachim bin ich immer gerne zusammen geradelt. Bei unterwegs auftretenden Problemen habe ich stets sein riesiges Improvisationstalent bewundert ...und mir gefiel seine freundliche Art und seine sachliche Unaufgeregtheit.
...irgendwann werden wir wieder zusammen radeln ...auf derselben langen, langen Tour.

My cycling-friend Joachim Janssen liked to ride long distances on home made recumbent bikes with pleasure for days on end.
However, on Monday evening 25th Nov 2013 Joachim left his residence in Leer on a folding bike and was seen alive no more!
On Friday 13th Dec 2013, approximately 6 kilometers from his home, walkers found him lifelessly. According to estimate of the police no crime was committed.
Joachim's death makes me feel stunned and deeply saddened!
Together with Joachim I always cycled with pleasure. If on the way problems occured, every time I admired his enormous talent for improvisation ...and I liked his friendly kind and his factual calmness.
...sometime we will cycle together again ...on the same long, long tour.

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Manfred Tinebor

Joachim in Kampfrüstung auf der Wartburg

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Taken: May 14, 2010
Uploaded: May 15, 2010
Captured with:
Olympus uT8000,ST8000

  • 14 years 8 months ago
    So Joachim used his couch cycle. Were there many teams with couch cycles?
    • (Anonymously) (Private)
      11 years ago

      So Joachim used his couch cycle. Were there many teams with couch cycles?
      Gypsy as always is true. Joachim has a rare cycle. Somebody may see him on a road...
      • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
        11 years ago
        Hello Marbess! 
        Thanks for your comment. Yes, you detect well! 
        Joachims couch bikes are unique pieces! All frames of his couch bikes he constructed and forged self.
        ...but Joachim disappeared with his small folding bike, that he ordinarily uses only for very short distances. Bad is, that his wallet with money and papers is still at his home.
        Also the today's search for Joachim remained fruitless.
        I hope further!
  • joachim (Private)
    14 years 8 months ago
    Hi Manfred, tolles Foto, sobald ich mene Hochgeladen habe, sende ich den Link.
    Ich hoffe, das Du in 2 Jahren mit deiner Couch fährst, vielleicht mit mir im Team ?
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