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Brevets 2010

Der Begriff Brevet bezeichnet im Amateur-Radsport eine organisierte Langstreckenveranstaltung, bei der von sogenannten Randonneuren eine vorgegebene, nicht ausgeschilderte Strecke (üblicherweise zwischen 200 km und 1400 km) mit passieren von Kontrollstellen innerhalb eines bestimmten Zeitraums geradelt wird. Bei einem Brevet legt jeder Fahrer seine Geschwindigkeit, Pausenzeiten und - bei langen Brevets - seine Schlafpausen selbst fest. Diese Fahrweise wird französisch "Allure Libre" genannt. Es sind alle Fahrräder zugelassen, auf denen sich der Radfahrer ausschließlich aus eigener Muskelkraft fortbewegt. Die meisten Teilnehmer verwenden eine Variante des Rennrads, welches oft über einen leichten Gepäckträger verfügt, der eine kleine Tasche mit Regenkleidung und etwas Proviant trägt. Dazu kommen Licht und je nach Jahreszeit Schutzbleche. Manfred benutzte 2010 ein für Langstrecken gut geeignetes Liegerad.

In the sport of randonneuring, a brevet is an organised long-distance bicycle ride. Cyclists - who, in this discipline, may be referred to as randonneurs - follow a designated but unmarked route (usually 200 kms to 1400 kms), passing through check-point controls, and must complete the course within specified time limits. With a Brevet every rider fixes his speed, break times and - in long-distance brevets - his sleeping breaks himself. This riding manner is called in French "Allure Libre". All bicycles on which the cyclist moves exclusively with own muscular strength are admitted. Most participants use a type of road bike which often disposes of a light carrier, which carries a small pocket with rainwear and some victuals. In addition light and according to season mutguards are common practice. Manfred used 2010 a recumbent bike, which is well suitable for long distances.

  • Okinew (Private)
    14 years 11 months ago
    400km Brevet 08.05.2010
    400, 800, 1400 - awful loading on an organism!
    You are already assured, what a recumbent gives physical advantage?
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 11 months ago
      My cycling plans in the next weeks are:
      - 400 km at 8. May
      - 400 km at 13. May
      - 600 km at 5.+6. June
      - 1200 km at 18.-21. June
      Riding a road bike, I always get neck problems on distances longer than 600 km :-(
      At 22. June I will know, if recumbent riding prevents of getting neck pains :-)
      Поживём - увидим! :-)))
  • Okinew (Private)
    14 years 11 months ago
    200km Brevet 10.04.2010
    What happens when climbing a mountain? Legs are already so don't press on the pedal. Than the effort of feet is compensated?
    I hope you're still not tired of my questions.
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 11 months ago
      I am glad about your questions, dear Olga. With the couch I can not put my own weight strength on the pedal. Big strength I can produce by pressing the body against the seat shell. The front-sided femoral muscles are thereby stronger used than with the road bike. After the 200 km brevet I had strong muscle soreness in the upper thighs :-)
      To climb mountains with the couch as fast as with my road bike, I will need some extra muscles. I will train to get the additional muscles! :-)))
      Better than with strength, it is to climb mountains with a higher step frequency. To be able to turn the crank faster, you need a lower translation than with the road bike. Therefore, the gearshift should have a bigger spread of translation.
  • Mankovskay (Private)
    14 years 11 months ago
    300km Brevet 24.04.2010
    good capture!!!Manfred!Is it you in the mirror?)))))
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 11 months ago
      Thanks dear Lara! I have not shot the photo while cycling. I have stopped on the couch recumbently :-)
      The mirrors of the couch are convex to show a big view area. Portraits look because of the fish-eye effect like comic figures. Nose and head become too big, the rest of the body is too small. In the mirror my simple camera and me are visible. In reality, of course, I look a lot, much, much more nicely ;-D
  • Okinew (Private)
    14 years 11 months ago
    300km Brevet 24.04.2010
    On routes appears more couches?
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 11 months ago
      Bicycle races and marathons up to a little more than 200 kms are organized by cycling associations. The associations belong via national unions (BDR in Germany) to the world federation cyclists UCI (Union Cycliste Internationale). The UCI has regulated very strongly, how bicycles must be built up. Only diamond frames are allowed. Thus, e.g., recumbent bikes are not permitted!
      So you don’t see recumbent bikes at events, that are organized by associations :-|
      Marathons with distances from 200 to 1400 kms are in Germany organized bei Audax Randonneurs Allemagne (ARA). The randonneurs don’t belong to the world federation UCI. The world federation of the randonneurs is Randonneurs Mondiaux (RM). For the RM apply the rules of Audax Club Parisien (ACP). By this rules are all vehicles allowed, that are powered by human muscles.
      That is the reason, why you see recumbent bikes only at events that are organized by randonneurs.
      For Russian long distance marathons apply the rules of ACP too! :-)))
  • Okinew (Private)
    14 years 11 months ago
    200km Brevet 10.04.2010
    Dies ist wahrscheinlich ein Helm. :-))
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 11 months ago
      :-))) Милая Ольга, я уже недосчитался тебя!
      Ты знаешь немецкий язык???
      • Okinew (Private)
        14 years 11 months ago
        Welche Kopfbedeckung trägt die Person auf dem Denkmal?
        • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
          14 years 11 months ago
          Dies war eine Kontrollfrage.
          Mit der Beantwortung sollte ich den Nachweis erbringen, dass ich an dem Denkmal vorbei geradelt bin.
          Zur Beantwortung der Frage standen 3 Alternativen zur Verfügung. Die Alternativen und meine durch Kreuz gekennzeichnete Antwort findest auf meiner Brevet-Kontrollkarte:
  • Okinew (Private)
    14 years 11 months ago
    300km Brevet 24.04.2010
    I would recognize this characteristic and charismatic
    script (scenario) on any other anonymous content. :-)
  • Okinew (Private)
    14 years 11 months ago
    300km Brevet 24.04.2010
    Strange this mountain looks. Its surface have somehow
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 11 months ago
      Yes, you have a good look!
      The mountain is man-made. This is the stockpile of an underground mining!
      Since the 15-th century copper was mined here in the eastern part of the Harz.
  • 14 years 11 months ago
    300km Brevet 24.04.2010
    No other cyclist around! Does that mean you have left them all behind and ended number one? Well done! :-)
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 11 months ago
      :-D Oh no, dear Gypsy! :-D
      In the first hilly part of the course, in southern Harz, I was slower than most riders of road bikes. In the flat area of Magdeburg boerde I was faster than the riders of road bikes. But I was only able to overtake a few. In 2006 I cycled the same route with a road bike. This year with the couch I was 20 minutes faster. For the last flat 84 kms I needed less than 2 hours. I am sure, that with more practice I will become faster on hilly routes :-)
  • 14 years 11 months ago
    300km Brevet 24.04.2010
    Scenic area but not sure if one notices anything when you have to cycle 300 km?
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 11 months ago
      Dear Gypsy, this was not the Vätternrundan ;-))
      At the 300 km route around the lake Vättern are thousands of onlookers. They camp at the route or have a barbecue. When cyclists passing by, they jump to the road, clap hands and cheer on the cyclists by shouting 'Heya, heya, heya!'.
      At the 300 km route around the Harz, nobody takes a notice. There was not even a small notice in the local press. For the german press only football games are worth to report about :o))
      But I don't cycle for onlookers, but for myself :-)
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